In our company you will be able to place an order and deliver a bouquet without a long process. Our task is to quickly deliver the bouquet you ordered to any point: home, office and or other specified location. You can not worry about the quality of the bouquet, as it is carefully collected by professional florists. You can also make the flowers more pleasant: add to the bouquet the additions we offer: chocolate, wine, sweets and much more. Contact us and we will take into account any of your wishes!
An important condition for delivery on the day of the order is registration before 14:00 from Tuesday to Friday and before 12:00 on Mondays and Saturdays. We also want to warn you that delivery at a specific time is not possible. This option is carried out only in mourning colors. Our employees will put all their efforts into fulfilling your wishes, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the exact result.
With City Flowers you have the opportunity to share joy with loved ones from other cities: Eindhoven , Groningen, Arnhem. Several hundred qualified craftsmen work with us - this allows us to guarantee the quality of flowers. Make an application on our website right now and order a bouquet delivery to another region.